Our Certifications
EDP Roofing is a certified installer of Carlisle Syntec Products. This means that we’ve been recognized and approved as an installer of these materials by Carlisle. If the customer chooses Carlisle materials, this manufacture will cover material and workmanship for either 12, 15, and in some cases 20 years. In addition, EDP offers a 2-year warranty on labor and a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty on materials.
EDP Roofing is a certified installer of Elastomeric Roofing Systems. This means that we’ve been recognized and approved as an installer of these materials by ER Systems. If the customer chooses ER Systems materials, this manufacture will cover material and workmanship for either 12, 15, and in some cases 20 years. In addition, EDP offers a 2-year warranty on labor and a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty on materials.
The NTRCA (North Texas Roofing Contractors Association) is the premier resource for professional roofing contractors and associates working and doing business in North Texas. NTRCA offers educational training opportunities, keeps its members informed on industry standards, promotes its members and advocates for consumers and the professional roofing industry in North Texas.
EDP Roofing is a certified installer of Polyglass Roofing and Waterproofing Systems. This means that we’ve been recognized and approved as an installer of these materials by Polyglass. If the customer chooses Polyglass materials, this manufacture will cover material and workmanship for either 12, 15, and in some cases 20 years. In addition, EDP offers a 2-year warranty on labor and a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty on materials.
EDP Roofing is a certified installer of Firestone Building Products. This means that we’ve been recognized and approved as an installer of these materials by Firestone. If the customer chooses Firestone’s building products, this manufacture will cover material and workmanship for either 12, 15, and in some cases 20 years. In addition, EDP offers a 2-year warranty on labor and a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty on materials.
EDP Roofing is a certified installer of GAF Commercial Roofing Material. This means that we’ve been recognized and approved as an installer of these materials by GAF Commercial Roofing. If the customer chooses GAF materials, this manufacture will cover material and workmanship for either 12, 15, and in some cases 20 years. In addition, EDP offers a 2-year warranty on labor and a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty on materials.

EDP Roofing is a certified installer of U.S. PLY, INC. Commercial Roofing Material. This means that we’ve been recognized and approved as an installer of these materials by U.S. PLY, INC. Commercial Roofing. If the customer chooses U.S. PLY, INC. materials, this manufacture will cover material and workmanship for either 12, 15, and in some cases 20 years. In addition, EDP offers a 2-year warranty on labor and a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty on materials.

EDP Roofing is a certified installer of GE Silicones Commercial Roofing Material. This means that we’ve been recognized and approved as an installer of these materials by GE Silicones Commercial Roofing. If the customer chooses GE Silicones materials, this manufacture will cover material and workmanship for either 12, 15, and in some cases 20 years. In addition, EDP offers a 2-year warranty on labor and a 20-year manufacturer’s warranty on materials.